


Level 2Level 3


The Gateways Infant Toddler Credential (ITC) is for early care and education professionals who have specific training, 正规大学教育, 并且有照顾出生到3岁的孩子的经验. Gateways credentials validate that an individual has attained the knowledge and skills
从事他或她的职业所必需的. Some employers give priority when hiring to professionals who have earned Credentials. Gateways Credentials are embedded into the ExceleRate® Illinois Circles of Quality and may gain extra points in the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for Preschool for All grants.




Suggested Degree Plan for 婴幼儿通道 – 二级证书
不要用这个学位计划代替指导老师. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
FYE 101 开辟你的道路 Details 1
针对新生, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. 这门课程也能培养学生的能力, 这将帮助他们应对复杂的大学生活.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 102 幼儿教育基础 Details 3
An introduction to early childhood education philosophies and methods. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of planning developmentally appropriate interactions and techniques. 研究主题包括适合年龄的方法, 引导儿童行为, 内部和外部环境, 以及在当今不断变化的世界中影响儿童保育的法规.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 124 Health & 幼儿安全 Details 3
Introduction to the health, safety and nutritional needs of young children. 话题包括饮食习惯, 菜单计划, 安全的食品储存和处理, 认识到共同的健康问题, 营造安全的环境, 以及婴儿和儿童急救和心肺复苏术的原则.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 150 照顾婴幼儿 Details 3
研究婴幼儿的特殊需要, including the development of routines and environments that promote effective cognitive, 运动和语言发展. 重点是提供适当的护理, 刺激的环境, 评估婴幼儿的需求. Cultural and social diversity and the creation of partnerships with families and childcare facilities are integrated throughout the course.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 202 儿童成长与发展 Details 3
Focus is on the study of the child's development from pre-birth to adolescence. 重点放在身体上, 的社会性, language, and cognitive domains of learning with a focus on the interrelatedness of development. 需要在一个实地安置点进行四次观察.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 235 《体育》 Details 3
This course will examine research and theory related to social and emotional development in young children. Students will explore teaching methods with an emphasis on positive guidance, 家庭接触, 文化能力和设计合适的环境. This course requires three 1½ hour observations at a licensed childcare center or kindergarten classroom.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 271 儿童、家庭和社区 Details 3
An overview of the philosophies and specific techniques of developing partnerships with families in today's diverse society. 促进家庭参与的技巧, 沟通, commitment, support and acceptance for the educational advantage of the child are emphasized. 需要实地经验和观察. 为家庭服务的社区资源调查.
先决条件: (none)


The Gateways Infant Toddler Credential (ITC) is for early care and education professionals who have specific training, 正规大学教育, 并且有照顾出生到3岁的孩子的经验. Gateways credentials validate that an individual has attained the knowledge and skills 从事他或她的职业所必需的. Some employers give priority when hiring to professionals who have earned Credentials. Gateways Credentials are embedded into the ExceleRate® Illinois Circles of Quality and may gain extra points in the Request for Proposal (RFP) process for Preschool for All grants.

Suggested Degree Plan for 婴幼儿通道 – 三级证书
不要用这个学位计划代替指导老师. Always meet with an advisor to discuss your specific needs for completing the program before signing up for classes each semester.
第一学期 Details
FYE 101 开辟你的道路 Details 1
针对新生, this course provides a supportive transition to the culture of higher education. Course objectives aim at preparing students for the college experience by acquiring effective learning techniques and by becoming aware of available college resources for academic and personal growth. 这门课程也能培养学生的能力, 这将帮助他们应对复杂的大学生活.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 102 幼儿教育基础 Details 3
An introduction to early childhood education philosophies and methods. Students are introduced to the fundamentals of planning developmentally appropriate interactions and techniques. 研究主题包括适合年龄的方法, 引导儿童行为, 内部和外部环境, 以及在当今不断变化的世界中影响儿童保育的法规.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 124 Health & 幼儿安全 Details 3
Introduction to the health, safety and nutritional needs of young children. 话题包括饮食习惯, 菜单计划, 安全的食品储存和处理, 认识到共同的健康问题, 营造安全的环境, 以及婴儿和儿童急救和心肺复苏术的原则.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 150 照顾婴幼儿 Details 3
研究婴幼儿的特殊需要, including the development of routines and environments that promote effective cognitive, 运动和语言发展. 重点是提供适当的护理, 刺激的环境, 评估婴幼儿的需求. Cultural and social diversity and the creation of partnerships with families and childcare facilities are integrated throughout the course.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 202 儿童成长与发展 Details 3
Focus is on the study of the child's development from pre-birth to adolescence. 重点放在身体上, 的社会性, language, and cognitive domains of learning with a focus on the interrelatedness of development. 需要在一个实地安置点进行四次观察.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 235 《体育》 Details 3
This course will examine research and theory related to social and emotional development in young children. Students will explore teaching methods with an emphasis on positive guidance, 家庭接触, 文化能力和设计合适的环境. This course requires three 1½ hour observations at a licensed childcare center or kindergarten classroom.
先决条件: (none)
第二学期 Details
EDU 271 儿童、家庭和社区 Details 3
An overview of the philosophies and specific techniques of developing partnerships with families in today's diverse society. 促进家庭参与的技巧, 沟通, commitment, support and acceptance for the educational advantage of the child are emphasized. 需要实地经验和观察. 为家庭服务的社区资源调查.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 265 婴幼儿课程 Details 3
Study of the skills necessary to provide high-quality care for infants and toddlers in the educational setting. Current theories, research, and standards for teacher preparation will be measured. 适当的照顾和教育技巧, along with curriculum methods for groups of young children will be introduced.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 215 观察 & 欧共体评估 Details 3
学生将学到地道的方法, 以幼儿为基础的另类课堂评估. 获得知识和观察技能的机会, interpret and use information to respond to and support children's learning and development. 将对典型和非典型儿童进行研究和评估. 需要观察儿童.
先决条件: EDU 102或EDU 202或部门同意
EDU 260 儿童早期教育课程 Details 3
Philosophy, principles and methods for planning and implementing an educationally and developmentally age appropriate program for young children from infancy through eight years of age. Students will develop effective approaches to promote learning and assessment, family and community relationships and creative interdisciplinary environments.
先决条件: EDU 102或EDU 202或部门同意
通识教育课程 Details
Various 通识教育课程-三级证书 Details 9
每个网关的机会要求, 9 semester hours of general education coursework must also be completed for the Level 3 certificate. 这些必须是有信用的. The courses listed below are recommended; however, any 9 credit hours of general education electives will be accepted.
CMN 101 演讲一简介 Details 3
An introduction to the basic principles of oral 沟通 as applied to public speaking. The course emphasizes the mastery of oral 沟通 skills through a variety of exercises in which the student speaks before the group. Involves analysis of such topics as preparation, organization, and delivery. IAI: C2 900.
先决条件: (none)
EDU 201 教育心理学 Details 3
A study of the application of the principles of psychology to the field of education and a review of educational research in the areas of motivation, 情报, 测量, evaluation, 学习过程, 学习风格, 以及文化对教育的影响. 可包括观察经验. (与PSY 201相同)
先决条件: PSY 101
ENG 101 修辞学与写作1 Details 3
An introductory course in writing at the college level with attention to skills needed at each stage of the writing process. 修英语101课程的先决条件是具备英语语法能力, mechanics, punctuation, 和拼写. IAI: C1 900.
先决条件: ENG 099 with a grade of "C" or above or appropriate placement score
PSY 101 心理学概论 Details 3
Basic introduction to the major areas of psychology--the study of behavior and the mind. 重点领域包括人类发展, 人格理论, learning, thinking, 压力和动力, 精神疾病, 以及行为的生理和社会方面. Course will combine research with real life application throughout. 艾:6900.
先决条件: (none)
SOC 224 婚姻与家庭 Details 3
The social context of marriage and family patterns in the current American society; nature, 婚姻和家庭的目的和义务. 艾:7902.
先决条件: (none)